Monday, December 27, 2010

Goodreads contest winners

Congratulations go out to Shelly and Lisa, our contest winners!

At over 582 entries for a five-day contest, this was a fantastic turn out, and we at Black Kraken Books offer our sincerest thanks for your interest and participation in the contest.

We'll be holding more giveaways in the coming months, and you may wish to follow I Am A Reader, Not A Writer, for her exclusive giveaway of an additional copy, coming soon!

Again, thank you all for making this contest such a success!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Midwinter Book Giveaway!

Welcome, Midwinter hoppers, to our book giveaway!

We're excited to be giving away two signed copies of Letters of Marque: ABCs for the Savvy Scalawag!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Letters of Marque: ABCs for the Savvy Scalawag (Paperback) by Renee Peterson

Letters of Marque

by Renee Peterson

Giveaway ends December 27, 2010.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

All you have to do to enter is jump over to and sign up, starting at Midnight, Dec 21st. You don't have to leave comments on this blog, Twitter, repost, follow, subscribe, make up haiku, or click "like" anywhere! (This contest ends Dec 27th, and the winners will be notified by email.)

However, if you DO want an additional chance to win, you can visit the author's website where she's giving away two additional copies as well as some pirate swag to those who leave comments. Good luck to all our guests!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Win a free copy of Letters of Marque!!

We're hosting a giveaway through Goodreads! Beginning Dec 21st, be sure to enter for your chance to win!

The author will be hosting a separate giveaway on her site, Keiyla's Blog, which will include several pirate-related items, so be sure to check her site!

We're on Amazon!

Now available on Amazon!

The "Look Inside" feature isn't active yet, but it's available for purchase!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Now available in our E-Store!

Black Kraken Books is pleased to announce the release of
Letters of Marque: ABCs for the Savvy Scalawag!

This title is currently available for purchase through our E-store, and will be listed with Amazon in the coming weeks!

Also, stay tuned for giveaway information- details will be released in just a few days!

Some sample pages...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Watch this space!

Black Kraken Books will be hosting a giveaway! FREE copies of "Letters of Marque" will be given away, as well as other pirate-related goodies.

Keep watching this blog- details will be coming soon!